I am excited to welcome Opvizor as a new sponsor to my blog! This fairly young startup offers a unique approach to keep your vSphere environment healthy. It is not about real-time monitoring (there are already plenty of products that do this), but Opvizor analyzes your environment for compliance with best practices, and it knows about and detects lots of common issues, misconfigurations and mistakes. Its goal is to prevent issues before they happen.
Opvizor lets you run health checks and predictive analyses in a fully automated way. These are derived from up-to-date rules that are centrally provided by notable virtualization experts. Based on these "cloud rules" you can e.g. create weekly reports that are available anytime, anywhere.
This way the virtualization admin is enabled to act preventively, - but without burdening himself with maintaining a complex software, because that is implemented as a real cloud service. Only one small local agent is needed in your environment.
In a nutshell Opvizor helps to avoid many issues and outages and makes the administrator's job easier and much more efficient. This software is definitely worth an investment!
I suggest that you check this out yourself. The software is available as a free test-drive and is very easy to set up!
This post first appeared on the VMware Front Experience Blog and was written by Andreas Peetz.
Follow him on Twitter to keep up to date with what he posts.

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